Pressable: A Radically Different Culture Inside Automattic

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Matt Medeiros interviews Vik Patel, General Manager of Pressable, a managed WordPress hosting company that is part of Automattic.
They discuss Pressable’s startup culture within the larger Automattic organization, how the various Automattic hosting brands work together, and the importance of WordPress being open source software.

Vik talks about Pressable’s focus on agencies and developers as their target customer base, and how they aim to provide a fast, unopinionated hosting platform. He mentions some updates coming to Pressable in 2024 like improved staging/production syncing, a UI for agencies to run mass actions across their sites, and security-focused auto updates.

Key Takeaways:
  • Pressable maintains a startup culture within Automattic, moving fast to build new features without lots of internal coordination
  • Automattic’s hosting brands refer customers to each other when another brand is a better fit, putting the customer’s needs first
  • WordPress being open source provides freedom and control compared to closed platforms
  • Pressable is focused on serving agencies and developers by providing great support and an easy-to-use, flexible hosting platform
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Pressable: A Radically Different Culture Inside Automattic
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